Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Escape the Spam Folder: Tips for Email Marketing

Centel Media, www.centelmedia.com, centelmedia.com  Online Reputation Management, Online Reputation Repair, Remove Rip Off Reports
Emails are an important component to any online marketing campaign. But, if your brand fails to craft intriguing newsletters or promotional material, they’ll end up in the spam or trash folder, never to be seen by the recipient. There are ways to construct emails that can grab your recipient's attention and widen your customer base.

It starts at the subject line. Work carefully on a catchy subject, something that is engaging and interesting. If the subject is too vague, the reader may not consider opening the email. Keep it short and sweet and to the point. If the subject line is too lengthy, or sounds like a traditional sales pitch, the recipient may not read further, automatically discarding the email. Find the balance between being too simple and too clever.

Creating excellent content starts by knowing your audience and respecting your readers. Be witty, but not condescending, and advertise your product with caution. If your brand has a large and diverse audience, perhaps sending a few different newsletters would reach your audience more effectively. For example, one email for clients associated with restaurants, and a separate email for clients in the automotive industry. The message and goal of the email campaign is the same, but the language and content is tailored for each client.

While images, hyperlinks, and videos can be great promotion to use on your social networking pages, resist the temptation to go overboard in your emails. Doing so could cause slower download times and discourage your readers from waiting to read your email. You don’t want your reader deleting your emails due to boredom, or long wait times, so keep it concise and respect the time your reader is taking out of their busy day.  

Always add a friendly reminder encouraging your readers to add your address to their contacts, preventing future emails from ending up in their spam folder.  While encouraging them to save your address, this could be a great opportunity to showcase your brand’s other links, peaking interest in your website or social networking sites.

Email marketing not enough? There are tons of ways to improve your company’s online presence. Online reputation management, search engine optimization and website design are just a few of the services Centel Media can provide to better your online experience. Visit Centel Media’s products & services page to learn more.

Courtney Fisher,
Assistant Press Secretary,
Matthew Shaffer,

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