Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Guilty By Association

Centel Media,,  Online Reputation Management, Online Reputation Repair, Remove Rip Off Reports
Over the past 13 plus years, TV has provided us with one of the most entertaining genres ever to be created: reality TV. While it may be entertaining for us, it might be the opposite for the participants on the show. These participants might have faced an uphill battle when it came to trying to find employment or working to repair their reputation.

We all know reality television is scripted and is meant to play out a certain way to draw more and more viewers each week. The participants in these shows are more than willing to go along with this for the right price. But when the show is over and the reunion show has wrapped up, where do the participants go from there? Trying to pick up your life from where you last left it will now be harder than before because of this new found fame.

Getting back to regular life maybe easier for some because they did not last long on the show or they were the "good guy" who everyone rooted for every week. Those who really became the stars and stood out on the show, often for the wrong reason, have most likely found themselves struggling to get the job they had before or find work somewhere else.

The job factor is important, but what has the most damaging impact is the reputation obtained through the show. They now have to shed this reputation to prove they are not that same person. Contrary to what you believe, not everyone is a fan of reality TV. In all honesty, the quality of the shows has gone to new heights of personal destruction in order to keep viewers.

The reputation that follows them from the show is not a reflection of who they really are, but it is the impression we get. It is now up to them to show they are not that person, and this starts with online reputation management. Most shows have forums for viewers to chat and comment on, and it becomes a place where people express their true feeling and opinions.

Repairing your reputation is the best way to show you are not who the show portrays you to be and that you are, in fact, a totally different person. It will take work to move your reputation from reality TV star to a regular Joe, but if you want to move on, you must make the necessary changes.

Change is necessary when it means moving on with your life and starting fresh. Though people may see you in a certain light, it is up to you to change that perception.

Do Online Reputation Management Companies Work?

Centel Media,,  Online Reputation Management, Online Reputation Repair, Remove Rip Off Reports
If you're a business owner, odds are you are using the internet to help expand and promote your brand name. What many business owners don't know is that they have to be on top of their online reputation. The last thing you want, as a business owner, is a bad image being portrayed about you on the internet. What can you do about this? Well, you can deal with the situation yourself or hire an online reputation management company.

Let's evaluate maintaining your online reputation without an online management company first. You may think you are capable of dealing with your reputation online, but it is not as easy as it sounds. There are so many things that go wrong, such as customers writing an overwhelming amount of negative reviews, spamming by rival companies, and other issues concerning your reputation.

If you do not know how to deal with negative comments, you will make the matter worse and dig yourself a bigger hole. A lot of time and patience is needed in order to deal with managing your online reputation. Dealing with all this by yourself, in addition to trying to run your business, may be overwhelming. This is a prime example of why trying to manage your online reputation on your own is not a good idea.

Hiring an online management company like Centel Media™ would prove to be very beneficial. Centel Media™ consists of professionals that are trained to deal with building and maintaining your online reputation. They know what to do when their customers are posting negative comments about your business, and they deal with it an efficient manner. These professionals are dedicating their time to clients in need. They are constantly doing research to find different ways to combat online negativity.

People hire professionals to deal with situations all the time, why should it be different when it comes to something as important as your online reputation? You would hire a mechanic to deal with your car problems, why would you not do the same for the protection of your own name?

Online management companies are successful because they offer services the average person could not help you with. Take advantage of the skills these professionals offer, do not take matters into your hands if you do not have the skill or knowledge of online reputationmanagement.

Claiming Your Brand Name

Centel Media,,  Online Reputation Management, Online Reputation Repair, Remove Rip Off Reports
As a business owner, there are a couple things that you should keep in mind. First off, you need to attract customers with your positive and respectable name. The internet is the best way to attract customers because there is no limitation on who you can branch out to. Online reputation management, however, is needed in order to be successful.

Online reputation management has to do with making sure your business is not harmed by negative content on the internet. Negative content will make it hard to gain customers' business. Everybody uses Google to search a business name in order to find out how other customers view the business. Do not let negative content paint a bad image of your business.

Claiming a brand name is an important element that is essential for building an online reputation. Make sure to pick a name that is not used by someone else, because this could lead to a mistaken identity crisis. The last thing you want is for your image to be damaged due to someone else's bad online management skills. Simply search the name you want on Google to find out if it has already been used. There are also other tools in order to help you with this process.

Managing your brand name is the hard part. You want to make sure your name is not constantly bombarded by negative content. As explained above, negative content is what damages your image, and many business owners tend to ignore the negative content. Ignoring negative content is not going to make it go away. Instead, it will make the situation much worse.

Posting valuable content and using social media accounts are great examples of how to help monitor your brand name. This is also the best way to combat negative content surrounding your name. Protecting your brand name is the most important factor and needs to be emphasized because it would be a shame to let your image be tainted by rival companies or dissatisfied customers.

Monitoring your brand name is not an easy task, but if you want to use the internet to expand your brand, be aware of all the issues that can damage your name. If you are on top of things, you can combat anything that comes your way with the proper plan.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

The Complexity of Social Media

Centel Media,,  Online Reputation Management, Online Reputation Repair, Remove Rip Off Reports
Social media has opened up two worlds, in my opinion. The first world is bright and full of sunshine--this is the positive side of socialmedia, the side we all signed up for when we found out we can connect with friends and family. On this side, businesses saw more opportunity to promote and advertise at a very cheap price. However, there is also a dark side. We'll stay away from this side.

So, you are a business owner and you want to get closer to your fans and customers. You've read all the reports on how social media can increase your profits by 30 percent. But, you have also read reports on businesses being destroyed by social media due to the leaking of information not meant for the public eye.

As a result of your research, you have come across a bit of a problem that you have to solve. But unbeknownst to you, there is no way to solve this problem; it is just the complexity of social media.  You may read a couple of positive reports about it and find you are ready to jump head first into it. But, some harsh reports have you skidding to a stop at the edge in hesitation.

As a suggestion, I would say go ahead and jump in, but make sure you have a life jacket (or an inflatable rubber duck around your waist) to keep you afloat in the event you begin to drift toward the deep end of the social media pool. I say "jump in" because it can't hurt to try something out. If you don't like it, you are more than welcome to leave and continue doing business the way you were doing it previously.

The floatation devices are not for show. In fact, they are a necessary tool if you don't want to be one of those people discussing a bad experience with social media. Online reputation management is what those lifesavers are, and if you need to call on them to fix your reputation, you won't have to go far because you are prepared.

More than likely, if you get involved with social media, your brand will come across some negative comments. If those comments are enough to scare you off of social media, please make sure that you take care of your reputation. You cannot just assume that if you stop using social media the comments won't continue. Know that what is said is left in the huge database of the internet and can be dug up at any time. As an owner, it is your responsibility to make sure those comments are sent far away and cannot come back to damage your reputation.

Maybe you have realized that social media is just a little bit too complex for you and you have decided not to engage in it. Make sure your reputation online is clean and clear and there is nothing that can come back and haunt you from it.

Get to the Point

Centel Media,,  Online Reputation Management, Online Reputation Repair, Remove Rip Off Reports
There is nothing more frustrating to a customer than having to go through various hoops to find something specific on a website.

Ease of use should be the second thing that is on your list when creating your website for your business. The first thing on your list should be making sure your site is aesthetically pleasing to the eye. While many companies get passing grades on the first task, the second one should get a "NI" for needs improvement. The ease of use factor for websites cannot be understated, yet it is probably a customer’s number one complaint when shopping online.

In my opinion, when customers shop online, they do so to avoid the hassle of in store shopping and the headache that occurs as a result. When they have to go through the same hassle online, you have to know that customers won't be happy and they will complain. Also, keep in mind there are several other businesses that are online that do the same thing. Customers love variety and will leave you in a heartbeat if they felt they could get better service anywhere else.

It is puzzling to think companies still have not made their websites easier to navigate. However, they will learn when they see their website is not getting as many hits as it used to get, or the profit is slowly declining. It’s even more alarming when you know you have this problem, yet you do nothing about it and that includes numerous complaints from customers.

Your wakeup call is coming and will be in the form of a growing negative reputation that will continue to get bigger until something is done about it. A negative reputation and online business is the worst combination to have because the negative rep can and will spread like wildfire. If you have a brick and mortar store, it can be affected by your website. It would be in your best interest to keep the two separated and make sure they never negatively affect each other.

As a business owner you must listen to your customers and always find ways to improve your business operations. It is a luxury to have a website that can bring in more money, but you must make sure that it is not a hassle for customers when they are on your website, or they will quickly find an alternative.

In this case the customer is right. There is no reason that they should have to search far and wide for something on your website. Ease of use is the best way to ensure satisfaction and profit.

A Positive Reputation Equals Positive Profits

Centel Media,,  Online Reputation Management, Online Reputation Repair, Remove Rip Off Reports
A positive reputation means more than just good things being said about you among competitors and customers. Your profit will always increase, which will be more of a reason to keep your reputation positive.

As it turns out, what is being said about you behind your back or on the internet does matter and you have to pay attention to it. Whether it is good or bad as a business owner, you must be aware of what is being associated with your company, even if it means hiring a special team to monitor activity online or doing it yourself. The cost of not being cognizant of your reputation can in all honesty cost you your company.

In business, there is no such thing as letting something play out. The moment you come across something negative about your brand, you must take corrective action if you want continue to operate in the future. Don't take my word for it though. Numbers talk, and the proof is clear as day when it comes to protecting your reputation. Being on top of that leaves you with more time to do other productive things for your business, whether it is taking your business international or just strengthening it from home. The time that you have to do those things would not be available if you did not have a positive reputation.

Your reputation follows you everywhere. Now that you have decided to take your business online, the opportunity for more money has increased but so has the window for negative comments. Keeping tabs on your reputation online provides an even bigger challenge because the comments are coming from all over the place and it can get hard to keep up with.

If you are not careful with your online reputation, it can have an even worse effect on your business than your brick and mortar reputation. If you are unable to do business online because of a negative reputation, and now you have to rely on your physical store, you are in serious trouble. The internet is supposed to be a luxury. As a business owner, you must find tools to increase your profit now that you are stuck depending on your regular store your business is in jeopardy of ending because as we see stores are closing every day.

To keep your online reputation positive, I suggest bringing in a company like Centel Media™ to assist you. Having a reputable company like Centel Media™ there to help improve your reputation and keep it positive gives you more time to focus on your business and not worry about having to constantly check your rep.

Positivity will follow you wherever you go, if you want that to translate to your business, make sure you are doing your part to keep your reputation positive both online and at your store.

Avoiding the Headaches of Negative Reviews

Centel Media,,  Online Reputation Management, Online Reputation Repair, Remove Rip Off Reports
Receiving negative reviews will only cause damage to your overall image on the internet as a business owner. Nobody is going to want to conduct business with someone that has a tainted name due to negative reviews. Think about it, it is very easy to go on Google and type in the name of business. This is the way most people find about whether they will want to conduct their business with a particular company.

If that company has a whole bunch of negative reviews, then it is most likely than not that person will go elsewhere. This ends up being a big headache that will not go away. There are ways to deal with negative reviews, and it will help your business in the long run even if you do not think you need it.

Link in social media accounts that you have for business in your home page. Try to attract the most positive content you have in order to battle the negative reviews that you are encountering. Remember to ignore the negative reviews and pretend they are not there. You have to battle these negative reviews with positive ones, and having them flow in the internet in a consistent basis.

Think about it as though you are practicing a sport. You do not stop once you think you are getting better, you keep going. Battling negative online reviews are the same way. Continue having positive content because you could never get enough.

Blogging is another way to help battle negative reviews. Connect with your customers; show them that you appreciate your business, because without it you are showing that you do not have the care or the passion in the product you are trying to promote.

Battling negative reviews takes time and patience because you want to deal with them with efficiency. Why deal with something, and expect it to get better if you are not putting in the work. Your online reputation is not something you want to tamper with, and having negative reviews flowing around and not dealing with them will cause it to become less appreciated.

Do it with care and your online reputation will become more of an ally than an enemy when it comes to your name.