Wednesday, June 26, 2013

A Great Tool For Monitoring Your Reputation

Centel Media,,  Online Reputation Management, Online Reputation Repair, Remove Rip Off Reports
When it comes to getting that job you want it, it is all about setting yourself apart from the pack. This, of course, does not mean gaining negative attention, but you want your online profile to be out of the ordinary stand to future employers. Keeping your social media accounts clean of any negative information is a must, but keeping out of trouble is even more of a necessity. Let's say you did something dumb that made it to the local newspaper. All it takes is a quick Google search and they will find out about that crazy night you had.

Tools that allow you to manage your search results are especially useful when negative stipulation is surrounding your name on the internet. These tools allow you to take control of your online reputation. You post things that are of  positive content about yourself that will rank high in search engines. Engaging in online reputation management determines how you will be publicized on the internet in order to help your rankings.

Not every online reputation management company out there, however, will help clients with negative content suppression. That's where Centel Media™ comes in. Centel Media™, the top online management company, will help you with the negative comments that are being posted about you or your business. And, it will do it in a positive, honest way.

Another way Centel Media™ has climbed its way to the top is by being a company for all types of clients, including individuals, small and large businesses. Centel Media™ knows that everyone has different needs when it comes to online reputation, so Centel Media™ brings a personalized service to each and every client.

Individual names and businesses should not be mixed up. Maintaining your individual online reputation is extremely important because you want to get hired, and most companies look up on your name Google to get a better idea of who you are as a person. Working with businesses is entirely separate and would be managed a different way.

Centel Media™ strives to help maintain your online reputation and will dedicate its time doing so. Maintaining and making sure your online reputation is clear and positive is a stress and time consuming process. In order to be effective and continue maintaining your business' reputation, or alternately, clear your professional name any negative comments, you must dedicate time to preserve your online reputation.

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Expanding Your Brand

Centel Media,,  Online Reputation Management, Online Reputation Repair, Remove Rip Off Reports
There should never be a moment that you should feel like your business can't be helped and is destined to fail. There are many options that are available for businesses big, small, domestic or international.

Considering all the odds you have faced to get your business off the ground and up and running, you are one of the lucky ones. If you are fortunate enough to keep operating after 5 years or so, then you are truly lucky and now in good company. The odds of most businesses surviving after 5 years is slim to none, but if you are one of the fortunate few to do so, then count your blessings.

There comes a point in time when you might feel stuck in place and that there is nothing that you can do to bring your business out of the monotony. This can very well be the end for your business because you might feel uninspired. This could start a drop off of the quality of work that you once produced so proudly. To avoid feeling like this, it is best you find ways to change your work environment or expand your business by maybe opening up another store or creating a website and getting active on social media.

The hard work that went into opening up your first store might be too much, so the next best thing to do is to create a website for your company. By creating a website you are expanding virtually. You are now reaching an audience in another country--something you couldn't do with just one store.This expansion will not only net you more profit in the long run but it improves your brand's reputation. Because you are now able to do business in countries other than your own, you now have increased your visibility. This puts you and your company in the good graces of all your customers.

While expanding and creating a website may provide much financial success, it is a lot of hard work. It can take a lot out of you and away from the business you are running. However, there is an ace in the hole and now is the perfect time to use it. You chose to hire Centel Media™ to help maintain your online reputation as well as help create your website, domain name and web designCentel Media™ also helps with your presence on social media, which is just another added benefit. With newfound inspiration and the assistance from a well established, professional company, the feeling of being stuck should be in the past. You now have the opportunity to make an even bigger impact with your business.    

Expanding your business online is just as good as opening up a physical store. It allows you to do business without borders which is how all business should be done. 

Taking Advantage

Centel Media,,  Online Reputation Management, Online Reputation Repair, Remove Rip Off Reports
There is a saying that goes "any press is good press" and while that may be correct in some instances we all can agree that it is better to be on the positive side of that press. But if your name is in the media and is circulating pretty fast there is opportunity there to take advantage of this free publicity and make the most of it.

Now, in no way am I suggesting that you go out and do something bad or unethical that will put your company in jeopardy just to get some media coverage. But, if you do happen to get some media coverage it would be in your best interest to try and flip it if it is bad, or enhance your brand's reputation even more if it is good.

The mark of a good business is one that can seize opportunity the moment it appears and use what they already have to build off of that. Your business might have been struggling initially to take off and there are no resources left to advertise or promote, but by some chance you got the opportunity to host an event that puts your business into the public eye. Now you have consistent business and you got some free publicity as a result.

While your business will most definitely take a hit if it gains a negative reputation, this can in some ways work in your favor. If your company was once a reliable and trustworthy business that hit a few rough patches, the question is, can you recover? You now you will have all eyes on you watching your every move. The decisions you make can and will answer those questions. Depending on the severity of your dilemma, you will have several options available to help you.

Because we live in such a tech savvy world, I believe it would be in your best interest to improve your online reputation first. That is where the majority of the doubt and skepticism will come from. By fixing that first, you are not only changing the opinion of your company, but you show are listening to the public and taking what they are saying to heart. The company that once fell is now showing resiliency. You can bank on profits going up and attracting more business due to you taking the bad press you were getting and making it positive.

A business that can take advantage of any opportunity is built to last and is going to separate itself from its competitors. While you don't want to have bad press all the time, you should have team on hand ready to take care of it. Or, you can hire a firm like Centel Media™ that will improve your online reputation and ensure it stays on the positive side.

Taking advantage of an opportunity when it looks like there isn't one will provide a strong foundation that will keep your business at the top for many years.

Using Your Reputation to Promote Your Business

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Your business is the extension of you to the public, with a great reputation half of the work is done as you will have no problem attracting and keeping customers. On the other hand if you are not very popular among the public you might not lose customers but consistency will be hard to achieve.

How many times have you heard the phrase "your work is an extension of you", or someone telling you "actions speak louder than words". While that may seem to hold more water in other areas of life it should be applied to how you approach and handle your business operations. Great presentation of your business whether it be online or the standard brick and mortar stores can only add to your reputation.

Though some business owners believe that as long as they are providing good service and their products are doing what they are meant to do that should be enough, but they are wrong on many levels. For one it is not just about giving great service but also presenting yourself in a professional manner. Many customers put a lot on how the company is presented, yes operations count but that comes after you get past the initial layer of the company.

Your reputation whether you like to believe it or not can be a dealbreaker for business especially if you are doing business online. It is very important to not only have a positive online reputation but that your website has a good ease of use and of course is very presentable. Your reputation online can be the difference between gains and losses. For example if your company doesn't track shipping or update their inventory on a regular basis, your company gains the reputation of being sloppy and unprofessional.

No matter how big your company is or how much much they made last quarter a negative reputation is just what it is, you have been labeled as a company that is not interested in satisfying your customers but just making a profit which will start to shrink as your negative reputation grows bigger. A negative reputation is not the type of reputation you want to promote your business.

All is not lost and you can improve your image and you don't have to do it alone as you have more than enough to help you. Centel Media™ is a firm that you can trust to improve your online reputation and your presence on Social Media. Like I stated before once your reputation gets out it is out and Social Media can only enhance or hurt it depending on what side you are on. Centel Media™ also provides a defense that will protect you against any future attack against your reputation, so you can rest easy knowing your reputation is in good hands.

Your reputation can affect business even before you get a chance to see it. Present yourself in the most professional and positive manner and you will always have business to take care of.

Tools Needed to Help Monitor Your Online Reputation

Maintaining your  online reputation is a hard thing to do. It is a necessity though because you need to be on top of things when your reputation is on the line. You want to know what is being said about you, and if there is any negative comments being said in order to steer them towards the right direction. Below are some tools that will help you maintain your reputation and stay on top of it.

1. Google Alerts

Google Alerts is a much needed tool because all you need to is type in words relating to your business, especially your name, and it would give you email notifications about regarding conversations being made about your business. What better way on staying on top of things. This way you can jump directly into conversations and fix those negative comments being made about you.

2. SocialMention

SocialMention is extremely helpful because it is free and it lets you view the positive, neutral, and negative conversations that are being said about you. If you see a large amount of negative conversations being said about you jump on it and see what the problem is.

3. Topsy

Just like Google Alerts this tool will send you emails, and the best thing is that it's free.

4. Grader

This tool helps you get in depth analysis on your social media accounts. Once again helping you to control what is being said about you.

Having different tools to help your online management is very beneficial. You want to be in control of what is being said about you, and even though you may not have complete control at times, it is very satisfying to know that you could take measures in order to fix that.

Centel Media™, an online management company, will help you build and maintain your online reputation as well. It is very hard and time consuming to maintain your online reputation, especially with rival companies trying to put a bad name out there. There is no easy way to take care of your online reputation, and you must put in the time and effort to build it. Take the right measures, think twice before posting or how you respond to certain comments made about you, and you will be on the track to maintaining a positive online reputation.

Centel Media,,  Online Reputation Management, Online Reputation Repair, Remove Rip Off Reports

Monday, June 24, 2013

Negative Online Reputation Can Cost You Your Dream Job

When the internet was not in existence all you needed to worry about was building up your professional resume, making and building professional relations, having strong recommendations, and staying out of trouble. This was the formula you needed to build up in order to land that job that you coveted.

The internet world does exist now and you must use it to your benefit, but at the same time keeping out of trouble from it as well. There are six ways your internet reputation can harm and each will be analyzed below. 

1. Search Engine Link- It is very common for a potential employer to just type in your name in Google in order to see what comes up. Actually, it will happen most likely than not. They are looking for what kind of light shows up when your name is typed in. For example, if your name provides too much of a negative light that company may not hire you. First impression is key in many aspects of life, it is no different when it comes to online reputation

2. Are you a complainer? If you tend to complain a lot about your current or former employer and you are sharing it all over Facebook, many companies may not want to hire you. Keep your comments to yourself, posting on social media accounts will only make things worse.

3. Inappropriate Information- You may think that the night you went drinking with friends is perfect to share with other people through socialmedia. Wrong! You do not want your future employer to be looking at these kind of photos. Links and other offensive topics that you decide to post will only harm you. Keep it professional online because it is not private when you decide to post things. 

4. Do not offer too much information- It is already advised that you refrain from posting about religious views, politics, or anything related to that matter. Think about it, when you post controversial topics online you are only attracting attention. This is negative attention and a future employer may not want to have anything to do with your controversial ways. 

5. Friends, Colleagues? Recruiters usually want to hear comments that are made about you from friends or former colleagues. Negative comments made them will only do harm to you, so remember how you maintain your relationships and the experiences you have with them. 

6. Groups- If you are part of a controversial group online, and you share it publicly this will also play a part in a company wanting to hire you. It may be very wise for you to get rid of any evidence of being part of a controversial group if you would you like to be hired for your dream job. 

Centel Media,,  Online Reputation Management, Online Reputation Repair, Remove Rip Off Reports

Keep Calm and Repair

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In today's society given all that we have access to sometimes things will go awry and will simply be out of your control. How you can respond to these events will be very telling about you and your business. Those who panic are setting themselves up to either fail or seriously lose business, while those who are calm and have taken the proper precautions and have the right people set up will get through it with relative ease.

There is always a time to panic and a time to stay calm and as a business owner it is very important that you know when to do both. Timing is everything in business so you can't get thrown out of motion at the first sign of distress that your company comes across. It doesn't give the public a good perception of you or your company it shows that under pressure you crack and are unreliable.

While that may be the signs of a weak company a business that is prepared to take on any task big, small, bad or good is one worth investing in. What this type of company shows is its ability to do great damage control which is very important for businesses especially if it is a big multinational business that services a wide array of people.

But it is not too late to transform your image in fact there are firms that can help you repair your reputation from a company that used to panic and fold under pressure to one that now stands tall no matter what is thrown at you. As a business owner you should be prepared to go through some type of adversity during your tenure.

Reputation Management will be needed because your company will have the reputation of one that can't do business without panicking and so begins the comments and rumors spreading about you online when that happens you must be prepared to take control of your firm's reputation. If you choose not to do anything you will see how the rumors and doubts about your company will continue to grow and place you to the back of the pack.

The best way to deal with an attack on your company's reputation is to make sure you are prepared to deal with it. That means having hired an great Reputation Management firm or having a good in house PR team that can take on this task. Proper preparation is the key to success in any business.

You're only as strong as your weakest link. Standing tall and succeeding in the face of adversity shows there are no weak links in your business.