Wednesday, June 12, 2013

How to Deal with Twitter Hackers

Centel Media,,  Online Reputation Management, Online Reputation Repair, Remove Rip Off Reports
With today's technology there are a lot of problems that could go wrong with your reputation online. One problem that should be addressed and handled the right way is that of Twitter hacking. Your online name and image could be damaged in the manner of seconds, but you should not panic, and instead take a look of these steps that should be taken if you encounter with this type of situation.

When you finally notice that your twitter account has been hacked there is of course a sense of panic and fear, this is normal but you must remember to take a deep breath and do not act out of emotion. Acting of emotion is not rational thinking and by doing so you will only make the matter worse.
The next step is to gain control of your Twitter account by answering questions pertaining to your account, if this is not enough then you should contact a professional in customer service whom will help. The people in customer service are there to help and you must remember and take advantage of these services.

The next step is delete the tweets that were falsely made and caused damage to your account. Sometimes deleting tweets is all you need to do in order to eliminate the problem, but other times you will have to inform your followers about the hacking. Remember, you must deal with the situation with extreme care, how you deal with situation in this stage is a big indication on what kind of recovery you will make.

Every business owner should be prepared to encounter these kind of problems with social media networks. If you do not think you are prepared to deal with this type of situation or you do not want the stress on thinking about other people hacking your account, you should hire a professional that will deal with all the problems that come up.

Blogs Help Your Reputation and Here Is Why

Centel Media,,  Online Reputation Management, Online Reputation Repair, Remove Rip Off Reports
It is common for a successful business to do everything right and still have the reputation that he/she does not want. This is due to the negative comments some people make, or other rival companies simply bashing your name on chats and other sources of communication through the internet. If you are experiencing such problems then there is a need to reestablish your reputation, and creating a blog the right way can help fix this problem.

Creating a Blog

If you do not have a blog you should create one because it is extremely important and ideal to help your online reputation. This is especially true when negative comments are over shadowing your business. Writing a blog that relates to your business is one route you can take, or can you write blogs you feel passionate about. You must remember to be original and not to plagiarize because if you do that is the first thing that is going to come up on google search, and further hurt your credibility and most importantly your reputation.

Being committed and posting new information and content to your blog every day is extremely important as well. Doing this for a long period of time is only going to help your online reputation. Tumblir, Wordpress, and TypePad are great do it yourself blogs that are available, and the best way to take advantage of this is to use all the tools that are accessible to you. Filling out the most information out of the blog is beneficial to your readers, and it is the best way to connect with them.

Setting up your blog with Google+ for example is a much recommended service that you should take in trying to repair or sustain your online reputation. Google+ lets people vote on your blog, and the more votes you get helps your blog to be rated in higher in search engines on the web. Linking up your blog with Facebook, Twitter, etc. are also beneficial because you get more eyes on your blog and thus enriching your online reputation as more and more people are reading about your blog.

The content in your blog is of course the most important, writing humorous thoughtful blog posts will help you sustain and gain loyal readers. These people will tell others about your blog and expanding to areas that will be beneficial in the long run. Using keywords that people used negatively to hurt your online reputation should be used in your blogs so that it will show up first rather than then the negative comments people have made about your business.

When your blog is successful, and you have given the time and effort in order to do this will help your blogs to be in the first page of Google. This will help eliminate the negative comments about your business to be moved further down the page. Remember that blogging is extremely important in promoting your online reputation.

Summary: Your online reputation is a very important factor that should never be ignored. Writing blogs in a consistent basis will help sustain and improve your online reputation.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

You, Yourself and the World

Centel Media,,  Online Reputation Management, Online Reputation Repair, Remove Rip Off Reports
The internet world goes far beyond what you see online when you are searching your favorite company, what you may see can be totally different from what someone searching the same site 5,000 miles away might have come across their computer screen.

Having your company's presence in all parts of the world is very important to your brand and most important your profit. As a business owner it is imperative that you relate to your customers not just in your home country but your global customers as well. All needs are different no matter where you go and if you are not doing your research and finding out how to relate to your global audience you are digging yourself a deep hole to get out of. How you market yourself is very important as well as being sensitive to any ad that might be offensive to that country, having a team of dedicated professionals who know how to target a region properly without offending anyone, that is difference between being able to business on a global scale and not just limiting yourself domestically. Physical marketing is only half the job, I'm sorry to inform you that the way your company is marketed online is just as important. When you visit a multinational businesses website you are given options on what region you live in and what language you would like to have translated to you. This is an example of great marketing as well as customer awareness, if I like a company in China but  their website is only in Chinese then that company has just lost a customer because of their inability to relate to me so as a customer, I now have a negative perception of that business. If I choose to I can complain online which will lead to that company having an negative online reputation. When that happens Centel Media™ is called on to help repair your online profile so that you are making sure that all customers’ needs are met whether global or domestic.

Having a great Reputation Management company such as Centel Media™ working for you will guarantee that your company can restore its online profile back to respectability but you must keep in mind that in order to keep it that way you have to consider all of your customers’ needs not just the customers you are close proximity to.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Service That Goes Above and Beyond

Centel Media,,  Online Reputation Management, Online Reputation Repair, Remove Rip Off Reports
Service that goes above and beyond its duty is something we all cherish especially if we are paying someone for the service. As a company providing exceptional service that goes far and beyond what is required is not only a show of your company's integrity but is also good for business.

When you have a team of dedicated motivated professionals working to provide you with top notch service as well as make sure every need that you have is met with full effort, as a customer you won't mind spending the money for these services. As a consumer who is paying for a particular service you want to make sure that the service provider is doing its research and homework on your company making sure it’s coming up with the best ways for you to stand above and beyond your competition. As service provider you are working to prove you are worth the price of admission - admission being the fee you charge for your service. The team you have working for your brand means a lot, having a team that does not do its homework on the client they are working for can have disastrous results for both parties involved. Your company is now labeled with the reputation of bad customer service which will certainly result in lost profit. But what happens to your client is worse, they have wasted time and money on ineffective service and are stuck in the place they were in prior to hiring you. Though the products you may offer may be effective and can really help without a proper motivated team your products are rendered useless.

Good service starts at the core of your company who you hire and how you train your staff is probably the most important investment you can make. If your staff does not learn how to properly use the product how can they put it to use when it comes to customer service. Your workers become unproductive which begins leads to high turnover and other profit losing reactions. But if your team is properly trained and motivated to help then your business will flourish and grow as word spreads about how knowledgeable your workers are but most important they provided customer service that went above and beyond.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Larry Fournillier's Steps to One Million Followers on Google+

Centel Media,,  Online Reputation Management, Online Reputation Repair, Remove Rip Off Reports
Recently there was an article indicating the role online brand promotion plays in today's market. Multiple sources were used to ask how people in today's world with all the technological advancements are building their online presence. There are different paths one may take but one that should not be ignored is Google+. The best example on how Google+ expanded and made one person's business strive is that of Larry Fournillier.

Larry specializes in Caribbean cuisine and was a systems analyst when he moved to US when he was fifteen. He worked in this industry for about 25 years before moving to his homeland of Trinidad & Tobago. He moved back because he was given a chef job by the ocean. When the restaurant changed hands he wanted to find a way to showcase his love of Caribbean cuisine to the world and thus found Google+ when it first launched in 2011. He now has almost a million followers in the last year. Below there are six steps that should be taken into consideration on how to build and appeal to people on Google+.

1. Sign Up.

When you sign up for Google+ you should describe what you do for a living and what your passions are. This is a great way for people to get to know you. Many people on Google+ according as statistics have shown do not post such information. Posting this information about yourself will differentiate you from the pack.

2. Hangouts.

The way Larry was able to appeal to so many people is because he engaged in Google+ Hangouts. This is the best way to find how Google+ works and which hangouts work best for your product that you are trying to show people around the world. For example, Larry would cook while other people would tell their favorite types of wine; this is a great example on how one and one go together.

3. Post & Engage.

Exploring through the Hangouts and finding out what people want to see, and you have the product and the quality to share then it is time to start posing. There are over 400 million users and there will be bound to be people who share the same passions that you do. When you do receive comments to your post, you should post a reply as quickly as possible with a polite message. Answer any questions people have.

4. Build Community & Cooperate!

When you are on Google+ it is important that you support communities so that you get that support in return. Building relationships is ideal in order to help promote your product/service. For example Larry's first Hangout aired was by a woman he met on Google+ and she was the one who encouraged him to do a cooking show.

5. Creating Your Own Hangout

When you create your own Hangout on Air it is automatically uploaded to Youtube, and according to different sources will increase your presence online. Larry did not think his first hangout was successful; however his clip has been show on commercials and in theaters because his fans liked it. You must show your product/service to get results.

6. Creating a Concept That Works.

Coming up with a creative idea to promote your product/service is exactly what you need to do in order to attract attention. Larry for example created the Pirate Pub with George Sepich. They would dress up with pirates and eat food from all over the wood; they would also have inviting guests on their show.

Larry was able to get out his name and have a showcase to the world; this is the best way to promote your business. All you could ask for is to have your name out there and have people enjoy the benefit of your business. Google+ does such that and any business owner along with other different techniques should use this up and coming social network.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

I'm Here For You

We all need someone to be there for us no matter how strong we think we are. A helping hand is something that can never be overstated,underrated or passed over. If it's there and can fill a need that can be filled for you it's in your best interest to take it on the results can only be positive.

When it comes to help with your online profile and managing your reputation few people know where to start  or  some people want to try and tackle the problem on their own which is understandable, but then you have a few people who would rather not deal with the problem and let it manifest it self and get worse and worse as the day passes on. Reputation Management is a tool that can be used for anyone looking to improve their online profiles as well as their reputations. When searched online using a search engine you'd be surprised at how many negative stories might be posted about you and some might not even have any truth to them but nonetheless the are their for everyone see. Reputation Management is there to help change the culture of your online profile. It does that by making sure anytime you or your company is searched the most positive results are shown first giving the best impression about your company.Reputation Management also helps to keep you protected from malicious sites that might attach you to their spam mailing list or even worse give you a virus that can shut your whole system down. Monitoring your profile is just as important as changing it, you are busy with trying to run your business on a daily basis and you in all likelihood don't have much time to devote to monitoring what's being said about you online. A Reputation Management takes on that task so you can focus more on your business operations.

Taking the helping hand of a Reputation Management is proven to be beneficial and can make all the difference in your company's performance as well as its profit which is the most important of all. Those who choose to sit back and watch their reputations go down the drain will wish they took the opportunity when the had the chance. After all we all can use a helping hand once awhile.

Who Told You That??

Rumors, whether true or not can spread quicker than the speed of a cheetah chasing an antelope in the African safari. And in the world we live in today with the internet and Social Media networks booming louder and stronger than before, you can best believe what we know about you here in the U.S. will be on the front cover of the tabloids all the way in France before you the chance explain yourself.

The struggles of being a celebrity not much if you can avoid the obvious pitfalls that trap the most successful but mentally weak. One thing you can pretty much bank on is rumors about you online that may be true or may not but once your name or your brand is searched in Google or Bing, you can bet out of the first 10 results you will see at least 3 out of those 10 have negative reviews about you. While it's important for any business or celebrity to get to the root of where these false rumors and negative reviews are coming from what's most important to them is how they remove them and put in place the positive reviews about them and their brand.

While a persons first instinct would be to come out in person to denounce these rumors that just covers you for a little bit of time, you must keep in mind the internet has a mind of its own but is controlled by the billions of people who use it each day. So how do you control the internet you ask, well you can't it's virtually impossible sorry to disappoint you. But what you can control is what's being said about you when you are searched online. How do you  do that you ask, simple Reputation Management.Reputation Management is  surefire way to provide not only positive search results but it also helps filter out any sites that may be  harmful and get rid of any prior negative results and keywords that once gave you a damaging reputation.

Reputation Management is tailored made for you to ensure that when you or your company is mentioned online that only the positive results show up first. Yes you are not going to satisfy everyone you come in contact with and you will have people saying bad things about you. Its when those things people say become lies and false rumors it becomes one big snowball that you have to try and slow down before it's too late and the damage becomes irreversible. Letting a Reputation Management firm handle your online profile is one less task you have to worry about and lets you focus on running your business.