Monday, June 17, 2013

Image Maintenance

As previous articles have stated before, online reputation is what we focus on here at Centel Media™ . There are so many things that could go wrong with your online reputation that you have no control over unless you take some time to take care of your image. Positive results is what you strive for as a professional, or as a business person when it comes to your reputation on the internet. Being active on your social network is great way of building this positive reputation. As an individual you would make a Facebook, Twitter in order to promote your image. You must remember to be active and constantly post on these social media accounts because Google is able to track your recent posts and activity. If you have a business you could also make a Facebook or Twitter but you would post things pertaining to your business, such as blogs or information indicating what you promote. Indicating your name or the name of business is a priority when labeling your account. Videos and Images are another important factors because they dominate Google Searches. Having Captions and lettering demonstrating what your video is about will do wonders for your online reputation. Integrate YouTube while posting these videos will again expand your searches on Google ultimately helping your cause on positive online reputation. Podcasts, going along with the media aspect, are another option that you should take into consideration. Instead of having written blogs say for example, you can have certain information verbalized and recorded with your voice. Lastly, but certainly not least are domain names. As a business person and a professional individual you should have more than one domain name. This makes it easier for your business name to come up on Google searches, and remember to take the different measures indicated above to help build up that domain name. For example, remember to continue writing blogs, and create social media accounts to maintain, and help build positive online reputation for these accounts. If you take these measures into consideration you should be on your way to maintaining your image, however, you must remember that if you do not think you can keep with this type of schedule consistently hiring a online reputation management group. 

Social Without Being Social

Centel Media,,  Online Reputation Management, Online Reputation Repair, Remove Rip Off Reports
The rise of Social Media has allowed people all over the world to connect without ever meeting face to face. In terms of social skills some may argue that people have almost forgotten how to socialize without whipping their phones out to text or tweet.

A lot can be said when you can communicate with someone without actually talking to them, well maybe nothing is said but you get what I am trying to say. The technology that we have been blessed with in today's fast pace world has allowed to socialize without having to get out of the comfort of our own beds. While some may seem to like this method of socializing there are still a few people who despise it, not because they want to be party poopers or anything but when you are faced with the reality of having to go out and socialize whether it be a business meeting or a presentation how are you going to fare? If you have been avoiding social settings and opting for unlimited texts and your couch my guess is you are in for a world of trouble. In this day and age the technology we have we actually need, society has shaped itself around texting instead of calling and downloading coupons from Facebook rather than your daily news paper, so it does serve some purpose. We are actually in the middle of a Social Media boom we have more entrepreneurs coming up with plenty of socializing sites for people  to stay in touch with each other no matter how far away they may seem. As a business owner one should see plenty of opportunity to get their business out to the public not just in your home country but globally as well. And here is one thing you will like that Social Media offers you, a low cost cost of promotion if there is a cost. Most sites you just sign up to create your profile and begin from there. Its a faster and more effective way of promoting your brand now instead of having to rely on radio and ads in the paper or magazines which are very costly you have your Social Media profile to do that for you.

As a business owner you are much too busy to talk to each of your customers face to face on a daily basis but through the power of Facebook and Twitter you now are able to be social without being present. If your business is really booming and you find you don't have the time to participate in Social Networking, firms like Centel Media™  can help you with ensuring that your presence is being properly promoted and you are very visible among your competitors.

Its Just Words They Can't Really Hurt

Centel Media,,  Online Reputation Management, Online Reputation Repair, Remove Rip Off Reports
We have all heard the various sayings growing up about words and if they can hurt you or not. While they may not hurt you personally, words can have an immense effect on your business.

Words can have a varying impact depending on who you ask, some may say words mean nothing to them and it is all about the action. Then you have those who feel words mean a lot and have the ability to change a persons opinion of something which can have a big effect. As a business owner it can be universally agreed that the words that are matched with your company should be in a positive light. Customers should never want to mutter anything negative about your company because you are providing them with the best product and customer service that there is. But what do you do when that is not the case and instead of good things being said about your company you come to find out that you do have some people saying negative things about you. How do you go about fixing your once positive reputation that now has a couple of blemishes on it. The first thing that may come to mind is defending yourself by responding back to those who have said negative things about you. While this may seem to be the way to solve your problem it is the worse thing you can do. Responding personally on any forum or comment section is a great way to devalue your brand and further create problems for your business. By responding you are inviting yourself to go back and forth with someone who might not even know what your business is but just enjoys the feeling of being on control. In fact most people who troll or leave negative comments about your business are not disgruntled customers but people who just enjoy trying to make your life miserable. But don't get it wrong you most likely will come across unsatisfied customers but those that are truly unsatisfied are more likely to call customer service to complain rather than some anonymous forum.

So what do you do when the negative bus is packed and the wheels are in motion. I have already explained one way of dealing with it and that one should be the last way of dealing with it. Another way is letting the bad press just blow over. While this one is better than the first the results are not that different, if you don't respond it makes you look like you don't care about your business and when your customers see that they will slowly start to look for other places for their business. The most effective way of dealing with a negative reputation is to hire a Reputation Management firm. A company like Centel Media™ would be perfect for your business and restoring its reputation. Centel Media™ ensures that anytime you are searched on any search engine only the most positive results show up first, giving existing customers and potential customers a piece of mind. When they choose to do business with you they are dealing with the absolute best.

A Welcome Addition.

Centel Media,,  Online Reputation Management, Online Reputation Repair, Remove Rip Off Reports
Companies that have stood the test of time have gone through numerous changes over the years. Some changes have been planned but a majority of the changes have been forced due to the world becoming more technologically advanced.

Some of our country's landmark companies have been around for hundreds of years with some dating back to the 1800's. How those companies have continued to exist and stay afloat during constant changing times, is a testament to their core values and most important knowing what the customer wants and finding out how to give it to them. A makeover doesn't mean disregarding your company's values or what it stands for but evolving with the times. In the 1800's you just had brick and mortar stores nothing else but as years progressed companies have had to find other ways to promote their business and keep making a profit.
Companies that go through makeovers are investing in their future and are ensuring that they are built to last in this ever changing business world. In today's business world making over your company can come in many forms but the most popular one is Social Media. Social Networking sites such Facebook and Twitter are arguably two of the most important and essential additions to your  company. Even if your not going to do a total makeover of your company you should implement Facebook or any other Social Media site into your business plan. As a business owner in today's world you should always be looking for ways to improve your company making sure you are giving your customers not just great service but an enjoyable experience. Often times owners change their companies with good intentions but the result is far from enjoyable, reason being there is a lack of communication. Without communication your customers will never fully embrace your new company look because a majority of them will not know anything about it. Situations like this have made adopting Social Media a must onto your business model, in this tech savvy world a situation like this should never happen. We live in a world where we have unlimited access to everything as a business owner you should take advantage of this opportunity to make sure you are communicating with all your customers.
For owners who feel they need a complete business makeover but are unsure where to go or how to begin, there are many options you have to choose from. The most popular one would be to hire a Reputation Management firm like Centel Media™Centel Media™ can provide you with web design, Social Media promotion as well as making sure your business keeps a positive online profile when searched online. Once in awhile a makeover is something that is needed for your company it can break the mundane atmosphere  and transform your company to the top of its respective sector. 

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Using Facebook For Your Business

Centel Media,,  Online Reputation Management, Online Reputation Repair, Remove Rip Off Reports
Business is an ever-expanding world that offers limitless opportunities to those that are willing to work for it.  As a business owner you simply want the best for your company and don't want to settle for anything less than that.

As a budding business you will be flooded with all types of existing businesses that want to help you build your business with you and claim to be the best at what they do. Some of these companies might be legitimate and some are not, but the best way to filter through of the madness is to research and find who really is the best out of the bunch. Creating your online business takes a lot of work and there are several steps you should take to get it rise from the crowd and stand out as the best. One of the first steps I would recommend you is hiring a very reputable Reputation Management firm to help you build your business. Your business is an investment and for the first five years it's your life, if you choose not to invest wisely in your business and your brand the long term returns won't be a nearly enjoyable as if you did. We live in a tech savvy world so your business needs to be properly promoted on Social Media sites like Facebook and Twitter. Having a great presence on Social Media is not only a good way to connect with your fans but in terms of business it can have an major impact on how far your company can reach its audience, whether it's domestic or global.

Having a reputation firm work with you in establishing your business is equivalent to having a silent partner. A Reputation Management firm such as Centel Media™would be a perfect match for any budding business or an existing business too. Centel Media™ helps not only with designing a webpage but registering your domain name as well as protecting your online profile which is the arguably one of the most important out of all the many wonderful things Centel Media™ does. Having an positive online profile can keep your company raking in profit a negative one can lead to more problems than you asked for. The best of the best is a company that stands out through its customer service and it exceptional products that will have a positive impact on your company for years to come, Centel Media™ fits that mold of being the best of the best.

Friday, June 14, 2013

How Protected Are You?

: Centel Media,,  Online Reputation Management, Online Reputation Repair, Remove Rip Off Reports
When doing business anywhere other than the standard brick and mortar store you are in constant danger. Yes the internet can be a rewarding but if you're not careful you will fall prey to hackers and their traps.

As safe as we think our online businesses are there is always a weak spot in the armor and someones is slowly lurking waiting for the exact moment to expose your weakness. A cyber attack is not just your computer catching a virus but it can also be categorized as someone attacking your online profile via Social Network, forums or any other public space. Just when you thought that your business was safely protected you are now under attack from an unknown source and if you don't act fast that one source will get bigger and bigger by the day. Having your internet protected is not the only protection you should be investing in given today's advanced technology. Hackers know that we all have anti virus's set up so being able to infiltrate our computers will be tougher than before. But what about your business how protected is your business from hackers and trolls. Thats a question you must ask yourself but it's important to ask before someone answers that question for you ie: hacking your site or helping create a negative reputation, you must take proactive measures to protect yourself from any attack.

Taking preventative measures will not only save you time and money but you will have a piece of mind knowing that your business is being protected and you will be alerted about any attempted attack against your online profile. Where do you find this type of help you ask, well I personally recommend an Reputation Management firm like Centel Media™Centel Media™ not only protects your online profile but it alerts you when there is an attempted attack on your profile. That is just some of the benefits of having a well established Reputation Management firm work for you. Centel Media™ also helps increase your Social Network profile so you can continue to do promotion and keep your fans and customers involved with the company.As a business owner you must have protection that goes beyond the typical virus protection we have come to know,  technology is a little more advanced and requires some dirty work to ensure you are completely guarded against any unwarranted attacks.

Using Simplicity To Work For You

Centel Media,,  Online Reputation Management, Online Reputation Repair, Remove Rip Off Reports
Keeping it simple is easier said than done, but it is the simple things that may produce the best results and have the greatest impact on your business.

There are many ways to be successful in business, a little bit of luck, hard work,and perseverance are a few that come to mind but what is often overlooked are the simple things. The simple ways of business have been around for years and have continued to be the foundation to a strong business. Of course you can't use the methods that were used back in the 1800's, 1900's in fact using business methods from 25 years ago will get you nowhere, the game is too advanced to use those methods. But what you can do is capitalize on today's technology and use that to your advantage. Social Medis to me is that simple method in today's business world. If you can develop a decent following and cultivate a team that is dedicated to building your brand up through Social Media then you are in great shape. But as I said when I started this blog simple is easier said than done and if you are not careful with Social Media it can be a quick and painful death for your business. First off you must keep in mind that your professional Social Media account must be just that Professional!! The moment you accidently release any personal or private information out you might as well get your public relations team ready because they are going to have to do serious damage control. Make sure whoever is running your accounts are aware of this many businesses have found themselves in hot water because of this.

If you can manage to keep your Social Network accounts drama free then you are well on your way to complete business. Sites like Facebook and Twitter have proven to be major assets to businesses of all sizes and all sectors. For businesses who would rather hire a separate company to manage their Social Network profile that have the option to hire Reputation Management firms such as Centel Media™, who has a dedicated team that caters to keeping your profile positive. The simple things is what we often overlook but it is the simple things that if not used properly can cost you dearly. But when you take advantage of the simple things you will reap all the benefits and rewards it offers.