Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Shining A New Light.

Centel Media, www.centelmedia.com, centelmedia.com  Online Reputation Management, Online Reputation Repair, Remove Rip Off Reports
Taking over an existing company that has a negative reputation or has had its share of bad publicity is not going to be an easy task. By taking on this monumental project, you are also putting your reputation on the line. If you fail, you will forever be connected to this unsuccessful project.

Taking a professional risk such as trying to repair the reputation of a once proud brand shows that you have the faith and belief in yourself to bring this brand back up to prominence. Either that, or you just love taking risks. Only you know the reason. One thing we all can agree on is the task will be the hardest thing you have ever done in your professional career.

But before you decided to pursue this venture, you weighed the pros and cons and went over every detail carefully and made sure you knew all the potential pitfalls. Taking all that into account, you still decided to move ahead. As you dig deeper, you find that many of the problems this company had are fundamental problems. These are little things that would be found out of place if someone took the time to look.

I always tend to look at the positives of having to start over from the beginning. Some look at it differently and feel it is a waste of time and money. But, think about it for a second. If you had the chance to implement a few new things or change some stuff around, resulting in more exposure and profit, I am sure you would do it. When your company is in full motion, you can't stop to change or insert some new plan. You must continue to operate. By no means am I saying to tank your company to implement some new changes. I'm just pointing out a positive that comes from what most people see as a negative.

As you move along and get deeper in the repair process, the next steps vary on how far you have brought the company. You might begin to sample some things to the public just to get a reaction, but most importantly, you want to see if people want to still associate and do business with this new company. If the reviews come back positive, you can now start full fledged operations. It may seem a bit hasty, but in business, time waits for no one. If you have created a buzz, you must capitalize on it.

On the flip side, if the results come back poor or 50/50, you have two options. You can continue to try and repair this company, or you take the loss and decide it is not worth it. If you decide to quit, your reputation will take a hit and this might affect your future business dealings. Like I said earlier, you can always take a positive from a negative. What you might not have accomplished, someone else might be successful at it. You have shined the light on a once dark business and set the wheels in motion for it to operate again.

Taking risks are apart of the game. Some are successful and others are not. But, what may be your failed risk might be someone else's success story.

How Online Reputation Helps Hotel Businesses

Centel Media, www.centelmedia.com, centelmedia.com  Online Reputation Management, Online Reputation Repair, Remove Rip Off Reports
The hotel business strives on positive remarks made about its company. Bad reviews and remarks will only make customers stay away, hurting the company. This is exactly why a positive online reputation is a must when it comes to hotels.

Most people search through Google and read other people's comments in order to figure out what hotel they want to stay in. It does not take much to come to the realization that negative content regarding your hotel name will only cause you to lose business. The most important thing to remember is to deal with the negative comments immediately and respond in an effective manner. 

Responding effectively means responding in a professional manner to find the root of the problem. Maybe the customer leaving the negative comment well give you tips on how to better provide a better customer experience that will help you in the long run. It is important to communicate with the customers in order to build a trust between you guys. Without trust there is no business, and thus creating a dilemma on how others perceive you. 

Fixing problems will help get better review scores, make customers happy, and therefore build a positive online reputation. Positive onlinereputations should not be only for high end hotels, but for everyone. If your hotel has limited services, the best way to get customer feedback is through communicating with your customers using some sort of social media. 

Many hotel businesses have used social media to communicate with their customers and have changed ways they operate as a result. Encourage your employees to communicate with customers in order to gain feedback that could be useful in improving customer satisfaction. 

Hotels are all about making the guests' experience a delightful one. Learning how hotels deal with online reputation will help others use the same techniques and skills in their own businesses. The type of customer experience you give to others is the most important thing you should remember as a business owner. Online reputation paints a picture of you to others on the internet. Make sure you are doing everything you can in order to paint a positive one so that others see you are worthy of gaining their business.

Monday, July 8, 2013

Is It Time to Call An Expert?

Centel Media, www.centelmedia.com, centelmedia.com  Online Reputation Management, Online Reputation Repair, Remove Rip Off Reports
You're a business owner who is suffering from a lot of negative content surrounding your brand name. There are two routes you can take. You can either fix the situation yourself or have an online management company help you go through this. Online reputation can make a business strive or send it spiraling down. Do not let it ruin you. Take some action to prevent it from painting a negative image about you.

Many people seem to ignore anything that has to do with their online reputation. Yet, they still wonder why business is not as good as it used to be, or why they are going towards a downward spiral. Negative online reputation can cause you to lose the credibility you need in order to be a successful business owner. When you start to see factors indicating that your online reputation is losing its positivity, it is best to call an expert rather than dealing with the situation yourself.

Trying to fix your online reputation yourself may cost you to make the situation worse, and therefore cause a bigger detriment to your brand name. As an individual you may not have the right knowledge of how to deal with negative content circulating the internet that is why it is best to hire an online management company such as Centel Media™ to help you go through this process.

Centel Media™ employees are experts on how to build an online reputation or turn a negative reputation around. The professionals at this company know how to integrate social media accounts and various other tools that help you sustain the type of online reputation you need to prosper. Customers will be constantly typing in your name on Google in order to find out more information about you. Centel Media™ will help by making sure positive comments and remarks are the first thing people see when they type in your name.

Hiring an expert is highly recommended because you do not want to take a risk with your online reputation. Experts will work with you in order to build the type of reputation that you want. Do not take matters into your hands without the proper knowledge, skills, and of course, time.

The Other Social Media Platform

Centel Media, www.centelmedia.com, centelmedia.com  Online Reputation Management, Online Reputation Repair, Remove Rip Off Reports
The first thing that will come to mind when you hear "social media" is Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. And, they should. After all, these three are currently the faces of social media, along with others. But to me, the long lost cousin of the social media family tree is blogging.

When I think of blogging, I think if it as a platform for individuals to express their creativity in ways that sites like Facebook and Twitter can't. It's not that these sites won't allow it, but they don't grant the creative space necessary for extensive pieces of work. Blogging has become a way for anyone to vent, express, discuss and do just about anything else you can think of when it comes to individuality.

It is very easy to see why blogging can be pushed to the back of the social media network line. It is not the "sexy" choice to want to connect with friends and family unlike a Facebook or Twitter account. But what blogging lacks in appeal it most certainly makes up for in the freedom department. As I alluded to earlier, blogging allows its users to become one with whatever they choose to write. It is almost like a judgment free zone when it comes to blogging. Blogging gives you room to express and explain if need be, unlike other social media sites where you say something that can be deemed controversial by your peers and you are at the mercy of their ridicule.

Recently blogging has started to pick up steam in the business world as way to market and connect with fans that don't follow them on the traditional social media platforms. I believe this is a great idea and that more businesses should get involved in blogging. It is very easy to promote through Facebook or Twitter, but blogging requires a certain level of creativity that goes above and beyond what other sites require. To blog for your business shows that you are versatile and want to connect with your customers from all over, not just the ones who follow you on Facebook.

I believe that each social media network has its place. They all play an integral role in helping a business expand, promote and market. Instagram allows you to post pictures. Twitter allows you to give minute by minute updates on any breaking news, and Facebook can help you market your product and promote. Blogging plays the role of being abstract and thought provoking and lets the customer really get a chance to see what the company is like. While all these sites are different, they have the common goal of supporting your business and doing its part to make sure it is successful as it can be.

Blogging doesn't follow the beaten path of its other social media counterparts. It gets a little more in depth and allows you to get personal on levels that other sites won't.

Progress is a Slow Process

Centel Media, www.centelmedia.com, centelmedia.com  Online Reputation Management, Online Reputation Repair, Remove Rip Off Reports
Coming back from an injury, or trying to rebuild after your store has been completely destroyed is a slow, agonizing process. The thought of ''is it worth it'' will cross your mind more than once, I'm sure. But in order to come back stronger than ever, you must realize progress is a slow process that won't happen overnight, but instead, over time.

So, it has come to your attention that you have somehow developed a negative reputation online. You start to see that it is taking a chunk out of your profit and you are beginning to lose customers. What do you do now? How do you start to repair your reputation? While there are many ways to begin this process, and just as many options available for you to start repairing, you must understand one of the most important things about this. This will be a slow process from start to finish.

The progress you are looking to make won't happen overnight--it is simply too much work involved for this to take a week or two. It would be fair to say that you are looking at an uphill battle of a couple of months. You have to realize that not only do you have to rebuild your reputation, but after you are done with that, you have to get the customers you lost back. And, that is not a guarantee.

I will say this though, depending on the severity of your reputation damage, it won't take as long as others. However, you still shouldn't expect to be out of the hole in hurry. In my opinion, I think you should take advantage of this period. It gives you a chance to go over weaknesses in your business plan. Further, you are given the opportunity to implement a newer version of what you were doing before. In a way, it’s a blessing in disguise, except that it has come at the expense of your business operations for the time being.

Taking your time to ensure you are making the right amount of progress is very important. If you choose to rush back, you are leaving holes you received in the predicament still uncovered. You are pretty much saying 'hold my spot, I'll be back." You cannot afford to take any shortcuts in this situation and think you will still be able to do business, because the sad reality is you won't have a business to operate.

As time progresses, customers will see the changes you have made and will soon begin to migrate back to you. While the process is long and slow, what matters is you are back stronger than before and are now fully equipped to resume business like you were doing before.

Time waits for no man. With this is mind, it is important to make sure you are utilizing the time you have to rebuild your business and make it stronger and better than it was before. 

Weed Out the Negatives

Centel Media, www.centelmedia.com, centelmedia.com  Online Reputation Management, Online Reputation Repair, Remove Rip Off Reports
Negativity can show up at any time and place. It can also come in different forms, such as online, print and verbal. Needless to say, it is something we really can't escape, but we can try to weed it out and build up a strong barrier against it. We build barriers of defense in hopes that they will be as impenetrable as possible.

Because we live in a technologically savvy world, we have become more susceptible to negative attacks, online and in print. But, this susceptibility is mostly online due to the fact most of our activities and transactions take place there more than anywhere else. What makes it even worse is that some of our favorite places to visit online (such as chat rooms, forums, comment sections and Social Media sites) have become breeding grounds for trolls to spread their negativity.

We often think of people who spread negativity as being angry and bitter people who want nothing more than to see others suffer just so they can have company. While that might be true, in recent years it has come to light that these people are often teenagers between the ages of 13 and 17 who have somehow gained access to chat rooms and comment forums.

To really get to the root of this problem, we must first take a look at the fundamental problem that starts when you are given access by just signing up for an account. This problem can't be totally eliminated with social media, because it would take a lot of the users away from the site. When it comes to other social forums such as chat rooms or video game networks, however, the verification process should be a little bit stricter.

Though it may seem like it's too much of a hassle to tighten the guidelines, you are making an effort to show your users that you care about their safety and want them to enjoy themselves while using your product. If they are already paying a fee to use your product, then this should not be a problem because they will be getting their money's worth, plus added security.

To ensure you are providing the most negative free environment, you can incorporate credit card verification. Children under 21 have to have a cosigner in order to get a credit card. With this in effect, it makes it that much harder for them to have access to a credit card other than what parents allow them to use. A penalty system should be enforced. Anyone who engages in troll activity or negative comments should be penalized--after a certain amount of penalty points have been accumulated, they will either be suspended for a certain amount of time or banned altogether. Protect your users by protecting yourself. If you don't, you will develop a reputation for allowing anyone to come in and run rampant in your company.

Providing a safe environment for your customers should be at the top of your priority list. Though you won't be able to totally get rid of all the negativity that you come in contact with, you should have a defense system put into place that makes it harder for negativity bringers to gain access.

Friday, July 5, 2013

Efficient Strategies For Your Online Reputation

Centel Media, www.centelmedia.com, centelmedia.com  Online Reputation Management, Online Reputation Repair, Remove Rip Off Reports
Positive online reputation will gain you the success you long for, but a negative one can be the end to your brand name or business. It cannot be emphasized enough just how important online reputation is to your overall image. Thusly, taking a proactive role in maintaining it is a necessity. You have to learn how to be efficient and which strategies work to your best advantage.

Googling your name is a good way to start, but this does not build your online reputation. Use Google Alerts in order to find what is being said about you online. This tool will give you alerts when your name is used and allow you to discover who is talking about you. When you find negative content surrounding your name, you have to react immediately, but at the same time respond in an intelligent manner. Ignoring negative content will only makes matters worse and put out the idea that you don't care about what customers have to say about your brand.

Give your customers the chance to vent. You can try everything possible to avoid receiving a negative comment or review, but chances are, you will receive one sooner or later. How you respond will indicate how you deal with negativity. Do not be scared of letting customers leave inquiries regarding your business. Let your customers vent and find out what they have to say.

Reiterate how important positive reviews are to your business. Reach out to your loyal customers and ask them if they could leave a positive review about your business. You cannot stop from receiving negative reviews, but you can take the time and effort to recruit positive ones.

Do not overact if you receive a negative review. Act like a professional and try to solve the issue. Avoid responding in a negative fashion. Remember to take a deep breath and offer the customer the best possible solution to deal with his or her issue.

If you do not have the time to maintain a positive online reputation, you should strongly consider hiring an online management company such as Centel Media™Centel Media™ helps you build a professional and positive online reputation--they have professionals working in order to achieve just that. Why take risks that may end up hurting you tremendously when you can count on a management company to take care of such a need?