Tuesday, August 6, 2013

What Makes Popular Blogs Popular?

The blogging world is crowded and competitive, so finding a way to break away from the pack can be a tremendous hurdle. You can help your own blog by taking a look at some of the more successful blogs on the Internet to see what aspects make them work and how those aspects can improve yours. I'm not telling you to steal all their ideas, but to compare how their appearance relates to your own. If you take hints from others and spin them with your own unique ideas, your blog may find the following you've always wanted.

Many popular blogs have organized their content with the general public's attention span in mind. A common set-up follows close to the way Digg organizes its articles, using boxes with a headline, picture and short description of the article's topic. These boxes are aligned so that a reader doesn't have to strain looking for material to read. Economically sound organization creates a professional feel and provides a reader with all the information necessary for them to decide if the content is worth reading further. If the reader is interested, then they click or tap on the box and are brought to the full article.

Pictures and videos help draw the eye of a reader towards content, which then makes it more likely for them to invest time into reading the material. Many of the more popular blogs accompany pictures and videos with the subject at hand, providing an anchor to capture the interest of a reader. Colorful, bold and creative pictures posted next to an article or post is often the most important selling point to a reader, so make sure to choose your images wisely. Keep pictures and videos clear and on topic in order to utilize them effectively.

The most popular blogs have a professional layout that places links to other sections or topics within the first screen that a page viewer will come into contact with. You mustn't force your readers to search hard for whatever they're looking for, because that will be cause for the viewer to leave and lose interest in returning. Links to other blogs and social media sites are present on all the popular blogs and can help yours spread out to a wider audience.

If blog creation has been a hassle, Centel Media™ has services to help you.

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