Friday, July 5, 2013

Useful Tips For Young Adults

Centel Media,,  Online Reputation Management, Online Reputation Repair, Remove Rip Off Reports
Young adults are the ones who are the most savvy when it comes to computers and other tech handy devices. You should also be aware of your online reputation because it is becoming more and more important in the world today. Everything that one does revolves around the internet nowadays. Whether they're applying for jobs, colleges, or trying to maintain a business, young adults should be more aware of online reputation and how to maintain it professionally and positively.

Before going public with certain information, think about it. Too many people tend to post comments or pictures they would not want a person of authority to see. Some posts have a spur of the moment type of feeling and these can be really detrimental to your online reputation. Gossiping, rude, and inappropriate comments about a teacher, employer, or another person should not be posted. These can be signs of immaturity to a future employer or to the school you plan to attend. Do not act on emotion. Think about the consequences that come about when you post comments about others.

Understand the page's privacy settings. Many people tend to think that their online posts and comments are only viewable by their friends. This may not be the case. If they did set their privacy settings improperly, that one embarrassing photo may now be available for all to see. Check your privacy settings and make sure that they are set to your liking. Embarrassing posts and pictures can be with you forever--do not let such simple matters paint a negative image of you on the internet.

Be aware of what your friends are posting about on your social media accounts. Everybody has those friends that post comments or pictures without thinking about who it could effect. Do not let them post negative information your page or attach your name, indicating you are part of this negative content. Explain to them how important your online reputation is to you. If they still don't seem to care, make an effort to block them from posting on your page.

Finally, sexting is definitely something you should avoid when comes to your online reputation. Even though you may think you are sharing an intimate photo with a significant other, you are not in control of who can see these types of photos. It is very easy to forward a picture and you do not want to be embarrassed in this type of fashion. Sexting can cause your online reputation to be tainted and damaged very quickly. Avoid at all costs.

Be aware of your online reputation as a young adult and remember that certain actions may dictate the type of image you will be giving to future employers.

Take Your Customers Back

Centel Media,,  Online Reputation Management, Online Reputation Repair, Remove Rip Off Reports
Running a business is more than just having great products. It means having the goal of keeping an excellent reputation and elite customer service. Before you put all of that in motion you need to have a customer base to service. A loyal customer base would be best, but it is better to remain hungry and humble and build that base on your own.

Do you have to be cutthroat if you want your business to be a success? In my opinion, you don't. But you do have to be tough as nails and you must have a killer instinct within you to want to demolish your competition. By "demolish," I don't mean anything unethical, illegal or in any way slandering. Instead, you demolish by putting your best foot forward and making sure your product is second to none.

Loyalty among customers is a lost art (if you can even call it an art). Customers are finicky. We switch sides so often it seems like we never give a company a chance to really grow on us. Part of that is our fault. The other part can be attributed to globalization and the influx of international products that are imported and exported. For those that do remain loyal, I commend you on your commitment to just one company. You have likely survived several takeover attempts as well as many culture changes.

Companies that reward their customers' loyalty should be commended as well, but their job is not done. Now, they have to get their customers back. The process of getting customers back will be tough, but it’s worth it in the end because you are showing you’re willing to go above and beyond for them. One of the major steps you can take is getting involved in social media networks such as Twitter, Facebook and Instagram. The world operates on a tech savvy axis, so now you have to convince the new generation of shoppers to come to you.

A slight change in business practices is another way to get customers back as well. In the past, you might have had customers leave you because of the way you did business. You might have been operating sweatshops or engaged in some insider trading. But the bottom line is you have to get your customers back. Changing your business practices can definitely gain you some attention. You might not get all your customers back all at once, but remember it is a process that might take 3 months or 3 years. It's important that they see you making a change and, most importantly, making an effort.

Customers are going to come and go, that is the nature of the business game. The winners are the ones who play the game smart and don't lose their customers.

Trust In Your Team

Centel Media,,  Online Reputation Management, Online Reputation Repair, Remove Rip Off Reports
Trust is extremely overrated, but severely understated. In big companies, trust is always taught from the first orientation and further reiterated in the thick packets of ethics that the company follows. There is no watchdog that will oversee all of the things that employees do, so there is extra emphasis put on trust.

It is not what you do when somebody is looking, but it is what you do when they're not looking and it’s just you by yourself. This analogy is often used to filter out those who you can trust with those who you can't. It is very important, no matter how big the company is in size, that you can trust everyone from the CEOs at the top all the way down to the interns who have access to precious material.

Trust has a major effect on the company's direction, its profit, as well as the image and culture of the company. Above and beyond anything mentioned, if your company has a negative image or has developed a bad culture, you can forget about a profit. The only direction you are heading is down. We live in a global society and business is not just done on a domestic level anymore. Some countries are very strict and hold their country's culture in the utmost respect. It is safe to say, if your company's culture is not one of much honor, you can forget about doing business with most countries.

You build and develop a team who can best represent you and your business when you are not present. It is there that trust really gets put to the test, because, as I have said many times before, those who work for you or for another company are a representation of that company. The last thing you want to hear or see is your company being blacklisted due to the actions of the employees.

When an event like that occurs, it is going to be trouble until you make an attempt to fix it. In no way should you take a wait and see approach--that should be the last thought on your mind. Repairing your reputation and hiring trustworthy employees are what your priorities should be. If you take the proper steps to start the process of improving your culture and repairing your reputation, in time, customers and fellow businesses will begin to trust you again.

Trust can destroy your company or it can take you to heights you have never seen before. But before you soar above the clouds, make sure your team is capable of holding the company up as it rises.

Proof is All You Need

Centel Media,,  Online Reputation Management, Online Reputation Repair, Remove Rip Off Reports
Accusations are the first declaration of war between you and your opposition. When you accuse, it is your job to make sure the claims are valid and have evidence, or else you will take a monumental hit to your reputation.

Anytime you accuse someone of anything, you need to make sure you have evidence to back it up. That evidence could include physical witnesses, written evidence, or even footage of someone caught in the act of what he or she has been accused of. Whatever evidence you have, make sure it can stand up in a courtroom and won't buckle under any type of pressure.

An accusation of any kind is very serious, because not only are you questioning someone's integrity, but you are putting their reputation into question as well. When you do that you are putting your own reputation on the line as well. It's common knowledge the accused will shoot down any accusation you are pointing their way, and it turns into a standoff of two people calling each other liars. Whoever is found in the wrong will be seen as a liar to the public.

If you are accusing someone of something and you have a shady past yourself, I would caution you if you choose to further proceed. For example, if this is some type of high profile incident with two people of celebrity status, you can best believe there will be some dirt digging. From there, it becomes a mudslinging contest.

It is in the best interest of both parties to make sure they are not in any way vulnerable to front page slander. I say that, because the public, at times, chooses not to always wait until the final verdict has been handed down. Occasionally, they will assume you are guilty based on what the papers say. No matter if you are innocent or guilty; if you land on the front page you are going to need reputation management, both online and in the media.

Online reputation management is very important because it helps restore your positive reputation you had before you were unceremoniously dragged through the mud. It will help restore your business profiles as well. People who have had a negative opinion of you in the past now see you differently and will want to do business with you again.

Repairing your reputation will take a lot of work, especially if you have been accused of some sort of ethical violation. Whether you are guilty or not remains to be seen, but no matter the outcome, you need to make sure you can salvage and repair what is left of your reputation.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

How to Build Your Online Reputation

Centel Media,,  Online Reputation Management, Online Reputation Repair, Remove Rip Off Reports
Everyone knows that positive online reputation is the key to being successful. Business owners in particular have to be aware of how to build the right type of reputation, or trouble ensues. Losing customers and employees is the last thing you want to experience as a business owner. You should make an effort to deal with your online reputation now rather than later, before you're wading too deep in negative content. Take time to look at some helpful tips on how to build your online reputation.

Getting to know your customers is an extremely important factor. Find out what they like and dislike. Try to build some type of connection with them. Indicate that your customers are important, so that you know what to do when negative comments start to arise from dissatisfied customers. This gives you a better gateway on how to deal with complaints and stop them from becoming bigger.

What type of customer service are your employees giving to your customers? Get an understanding of what your employees are saying and how they are promoting your brand. You want to make sure that your employees are talking positively about your brand and dealing with the customers’ needs. Make sure your employees are happy and listen to what the employee experience is like so you can prevent a disaster from dissolving your reputation.

Be careful of what you say. Don't post controversial topics or photos on the internet, because these posts will come back to haunt you. Social media accounts can be your foe or your best friend, depending on what you make of it. With that being said, make sure your voice is heard. Post comments on blogs and involve yourself in the online community. Make your voice heard and make sure you come off positively.

Instead of someone else building your online reputation, make sure you do it first. Don't wait until you see negative content surrounding your name, build your online reputation now so that you can deal with negative content more efficiently. Monitor your online reputation so you know what is being said about you. Take the time and effort to find out what other people are saying about you and fix the problems as they come up.

Remember it is important to be sincere and honest with your customers. You want to build trust with your customers so they know they are dealing with a good natured person or business-- that's hard to find these days.

Online Reputation Helps Future College Students

Centel Media,,  Online Reputation Management, Online Reputation Repair, Remove Rip Off Reports
Online reputation seems to help beyond business or job related services. It has to do with your overall image on the web. It's important not to have your image become tainted by negative content, which could harm you as a business owner or cost you from getting your dream job. Managing your online reputation is extremely important. It has even expanded to future college students.

Building a positive online reputation for future college students may earn him or her a spot over another applicant that has similar qualifications. Having a positive onlinereputation will make this person stand out and hopefully attain college admission. Most future college students have social media accounts, and some do not know the harmful conclusions that come about when they post controversial or inappropriate pictures that are available for the public to see.

Think about it this way, colleges are going to want students that represent their school in a positive light, not students who make controversial remarks on Facebook. Teaching students how to deal with online reputation and how to manage it will prove to be very beneficial in the long run. Colleges do deep searches to find out more information about a particular applicant. Do not let a mistake on social media accounts ruin the opportunity to attend college.

Building a positive online reputation at a young age will help a person find that dream job. As a business owner, positivity will help promote business using the right techniques. Similarly, a strong positive foundation is less likely to be harmed by negative content that affect many people's images. Many people today do not know the importance of online reputation and tend to ignore the consequences of not maintaining it properly. Online reputation is just as important as your credit score in some cases. A negative online reputation can cost you jobs or stall your business from succeeding.

It is important to teach students, and anyone, for that manner, the importance of a positive online reputation. Take the time and effort to learn how to build one using different tools and techniques. Whether you are a business owner or an individual, everything revolves around the internet nowadays. Do not let it ruin your future plans.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

The Past Never Goes Away

Centel Media,,  Online Reputation Management, Online Reputation Repair, Remove Rip Off Reports
Your past is something you can never erase. Always keep in mind that at any moment, it can come back and get you. Be aware of any past transgressions or any type of questionable behavior in your past.

What you have done in your past has a funny way of coming back at the most inopportune time in your life. When everything seems to be going in the wrong direction, in comes your past. Your past can also show up when you least expect it and give you a major boost. To sum up, what you do in your past has a meaningful effect on your future, whether good or bad.

One thing you can count on is the past can't be erased, no matter how hard you try and distance yourself from it. It is always going to be there. You can't just erase that part of your life. The past usually bites people of celebrity status the hardest because they have the most to lose. In today's society, the public often prosecutes before giving someone a chance to explain themselves. Those with the most to lose often fall the hardest.

Now, in no way am I making an excuse for whatever this person has done in their past. However, if you know that there is a chance that this might come back up; taking preventative measures is the best thing to do. Your goal at this point is to minimize the damage your past has done to your reputation and business. Once that is done, you should be on major damage control, using every outlet possible from social media, TV appearances and any other means to help repair your reputation.

It is obvious that you have a long road ahead, but you don't have to go at it alone. There are many companies are out there to help you during this process. One of those companies is Centel Media™, which provides you with the important service of repairing your online reputation. We can't forget that this is a very emotional time for you. You may find yourself trying in a defensive position, which can get ugly and will not improve your situation. With professional help from a company like Centel Media™, you can rest assured that your reputation repair is full speed ahead in getting you back to where you want to be.

Knowing how to keep your past from interfering with your present and your future is the key to long term success and survival.