Thursday, July 11, 2013

LinkedIn; a Great Tool to Boost Online Reputation

Centel Media,,  Online Reputation Management, Online Reputation Repair, Remove Rip Off Reports
Social media plays a big part in helping to build your onlinereputation. Your social media accounts can hold content and other important information that will help attract and maintain customers. Keep in mind that different social media accounts have different purposes. For example, Facebook is mostly used to communicate with friends and family, and not really meant for professional networking. LinkedIn's main purpose however, is to build a professional network.

If you are looking to network and include your qualifications, LinkedIn is the best social network out there. It is also the best way to promote your name because of all the negative content that exists. Most of us know negative content will harm your brand name and cause you to lose your positive reputation. Set up your LinkedIn the proper way and you will see the benefits of having this account.

When you first start setting up your LinkedIn account, the most important part is setting up your summary. Instead of focusing on your past qualifications, focus on explaining your experiences and your core skills. Use strong keywords describing your profession so that it will be easier for recruiters to find you. Including a URL is very important as well when it comes to your account because it makes it easier find you in search engines and direct friends to your profile.

Getting recommendations through LinkedIn is also very important when it comes to building your online reputation. Have people that thoroughly know your work skill write recommendations because you want an in depth analysis. The last thing you want is someone describing your work ethic in a very vague type manner; this will get you nowhere. Your reputation is on the line, so get the best possible recommendations.

Setting up your LinkedIn account is the easy part. You have to remember to be proactive. Make connections and connect with others that are in your field. This is the best way to build your online reputation. This just one tool you can use to help build your online reputation--keep in mind that there are many other things that you will have to do in order to maintain a positive one. Social media accounts can be beneficial if they are used in the correct manner.

Quieting Your Critics

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As a business owner, you will most certainly have your fair share of critics and naysayers that will try to slander and devalue the company you have worked hard to build. It is your job to quiet them, but not by responding back verbally or through social media. You respond back by making sure the product you have is the best on the market. You respond by ensuring your customers feel comfortable shopping with you, either in store or online.

We all know business is very competitive. People will do almost anything to see their business rise and stay at the top. Each customer gained is a profit added and each customer lost is a profit gone, so the tension is beyond thick when it comes to business. While it may seem like shark infested waters, the business with the best strategy for growth and sustainability is usually the one that last the longest and endure the most.

What you are going to face as a business owner won't just consist of regulations by the government or any other governing body. It will involve ridicule and mudslinging from your rivals. It's an understatement to say you need to have thick skin if you get into business. If you don't have it or don't develop it quickly, you will not last long in this industry.

When your critics call you out, it is only natural to want to respond back. In some instances, this might be warranted, but it is not usually the best route to go. Responses usually lead to back and forth, which takes the focus of your business operations and can allow for some other person to swoop in and claim your territory. But you can't just ignore them right? That means they will only get louder and assume they have backed you into a corner into defeat.

Your best move to silence your critics is to continue with business operations as usual. It makes you look like the bigger person because you are ignoring what can simply be considered a troll, but in the form of a rival business. Another excellent move to make is hiring an online reputation management firm. By doing so, you are protecting your blind spots which are the internet and social media. You will be alerted against any attack that has been brought to you. You can rest assure that it will be dealt with, so you can continue to focus on your business.

Taking the action of hiring a reputable firm such as Centel Media™ not only makes sure you are protected, but it gives you a voice among the masses. The masses belong to the social media world. News travels faster than the speed of light, so it is imperative that you are represented and can interact with your fans and customers. By doing that, you are showing them they are number one and you are much too valuable of a company to get involved in simple feuds with rivals.

Silence is often the best weapon of choice when it comes to business. This, along with a strong counter punch in the form of a reputable online reputation management firm, makes for a lethal combination. 

Negative Domains Damage Your Reputation

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Negative comments are never going to be eliminated entirely. Someone is always going to say something negative about your business and it is up to you on how you will deal with this type of issue. The main goal is to have negative comments pushed towards the back of search pages, so only positive remarks are seen. Hiring a professional to deal with negative content is much advised because they have the knowledge and skills to manage your online reputation.

Centel Media™, for example, is great option if you are considering hiring professionals.  They have individuals that specialize in building and maintaining the type of online reputation you need in order to stay relevant as a business. Remember that a negative online reputation can be detrimental in expanding your business, and in profiting. You want your customers to have trust in your business, because without it you won't have many customers coming back.

Dealing with negative comments is not the only thing you should worry about. You also have to think about negative domains. Keep an eye out for these, because someone else can own these domains and continue to damage your online reputation. Let’s say the name of your business is Mark's Pool Supplies. You do not want someone owning a domain that is called .Your goal should be to snatch these types of domain names so that no harm can be done to your brand name.

The content above explains how important it is to deal with negative content in the appropriate way. If you do not have time or the knowledge, do not take these tasks on yourself. Investing money on maintaining your online reputation should not be a burden--you will become aware of its benefits as time goes on.

The last thing you want to experience is a bad name in regards to your business. This will cause you to lose customers. Pay attention to the negative content that pertains to your name and deal with it in the most effective manner. When it comes down to it, online reputation is just as important as your credit score. Everything revolves around the internet, so do not cut yourself short by not taking the right precautions.

Building Links

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We all know how important online reputation is to your online image. Building links however, is not talked about too much in regards to how it correlates with your online reputation. Many businesses tend to pay to have good links, but this is not a recommended process of doing things. Instead, you should do it the honest way, which is achieved by having your customers post positive content that promotes your brand or product.

Get in the habit of sending thank you notes to your clients through mail or email. Sending these types of notifications show your customers that you actually care about them, and they will be pleased that you took the time to thank them for their business. Who knows what type of effect this could have on them. Many customers like to post things on social media accounts nowadays, and this is the type of attention you want as a business owner. Having happy customers posting positive content on their social media accounts will generally lead people to your main page.

If you start noticing that happy customers are posting pictures with your product on their social media accounts, then you should ask them if it is ok to re-post the content on your company page. Many of them will be fine with the idea. Who doesn't want their picture for others to see? They will be happy to find out that their name and photos are on a company website that they will tweet about it, thus generating even more of a flow towards your company page.

Admitting to your mistakes is another crucial component when you want to generate good links. If you have a product that did not meet the customer's standard, or anything that encounters some type of error, take responsibility for it. Issue a public apology and post it on your blog or on your company website. You will be surprised on how many customers will value this honesty, and you will earn some positive feedback from this, such as good links.

Building links has to be a priority when it comes to maintaining the type of online reputation you want. Make sure to take the time and effort when it comes to building your online reputation, because you want to paint the right type of image to your customers about your brand name.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Centel Media Evaluates When Expansion Should Be Avoided

Centel Media,,  Online Reputation Management, Online Reputation Repair, Remove Rip Off Reports
In business, expansion is good, very good. In this scenario, your company has become so successful with profit increases to the point you are forced to branch out and plant your flag in other areas. There is also bad expansion that can come in the form of negative comments that can spread from one place to another. It is your job to keep negative comments from expanding and limiting your ability to expand in the way you want to.

As a business owner, your first goal was just to open and manage your company and hope it would outlast the standard 5-year period that most businesses fall prey to. But look at you now, a decade in and you have become a major success. Now you are faced with the possibility that you can expand your business further domestically or internationally. It's a far cry from starting out, but it is also a major task and you need to be aware of the pitfalls that potentially lie ahead.

The most important of the pitfalls is making sure your reputation is squeaky clean. I'm talking so clean you can eat off of it. The reason it does is because you are venturing out of your small market and into a bigger one and now more eyes are on you. That means people will dig for gold in hopes that they can have something over you that might dissuade you from making this move.

But, you already know that having a clean reputation is a must. I mean, how else would you have survived 10 years in the industry? But in the event that you did have some kind of negative reputation, you have several options to choose from, most notably hiring a professional firm to help repair your reputation. It is important to hire help if you can't do it on your own, because they will catch the things you have missed. If you are working on expanding and business operations, how much time can you devote to trying to repair your reputation both online and in print? Not much I am sure.

Having a negative reputation beat you to the place you want to expand to is the last thing you want to happen to you. Now, instead of setting up shop and getting familiar with the locals of that area you are spending your time trying to explain and show how you have changed your company and that you are going to do business the right way from here on out. It's a tough sell and an even tougher buy, so your best bet is to take care of all of that from the beginning to avoid this happening later.

Failure to prepare will lead to bigger failures down the road, especially when it comes to you running your own business.

The Importance of Engaging with Society

Centel Media,,  Online Reputation Management, Online Reputation Repair, Remove Rip Off Reports
When we think of corporations and their upper management workers, we think of suits and ties, and we think business high up and very strict. To change that perception, I believe that the workers not the company, should engage in some sort of social media to give the public a different view of them and show they are human after all.

Today, perception seems to be what defines you. It doesn't matter who you are as a person, what you stand for or how clean and sturdy your reputation is. Living in New York City, I see first hand how perception often defines people, especially those that work on Wall Street and in the Financial district. When you mention that to people, you can see the disgust and anger swiftly come out. They often have a few choice words to describe their feelings about the area, words I can't repeat here.

Still recovering from the financial collapse in 2008, the image and reputation of Wall Street is still trying to rebuild. Unfortunately, this repair process is going to take a very long time to fix, unlike other businesses. The culture that hangs over is what is going to make the process even slower. As much as we may think they do, not everyone buys into that culture. But, as I mentioned before, working within that area automatically includes you in the batch of bad apples.

In my opinion, if more CEO's and COO's and all of the other three letter title holders begin to open up and engage with the public more, there is a chance that repairing the reputation of Wall Street won't be so drawn out. I will say that they do their fair share when it comes to charity and other humanitarian efforts, but I believe more can be done.

Imagine how much of the public opinion would change if you found out the same CEO that you see everyday on the cover of your daily paper, or on the news being vilified, shops at the same place you do. It shows you actually do have something in common amongst the millions of things you don't. If they showed they were just as human as we are, they would not be so reviled when they are brought up. They can't say it doesn't hurt that people feel like that towards them, and in no way am I defending them. I am simply just giving them a cheat sheet or a blueprint on how they can change their image.

I would not suggest using the corporate social media account, because that is for the company, not for your own personal use. If you are too busy, you can hire an online reputation management firm to help you with this process and make sure your presence is seen on social media. To shed the reputation that Wall Street has given you, it is in your best interest to be proactive to save your reputation from suffering in the hands of public perception.

Public prosecution is at an all time high. The culture in which you work may be bringing your reputation down. It is your best interest to make sure that does not happen by engaging yourself in positive public activities. 

Using the Internet to Research Businesses

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When searching for a business, the first place you go 99 percent of the time is the internet. But as we all know, the internet can be a confusing place with reviews and rankings coming from all over the place. It is very hard to know who is telling the truth, who is lying, who is paying for reviews or who is the victim of slander and trolling.

The internet has a place that can offer an unbiased opinion unlike a newspaper, TV news or even word of mouth. While all those are very reputable and honest selections, they tend to favor one side over the other because of personal preference. It is good that they have their opinion, but how is that helping you? In fact, it is probably hurting you because by placing bias, you may veer away from the answer you were searching for.

So, you venture onto the internet, a place you may feel you can get a more direct answer. This is true, but it's going to take a little work. The benefit of the internet is you get good and bad reviews on all businesses, something you might not get a lot of using other resources for research. The tricky part comes when you are trying to decide whether these reviews should be taken seriously. The reviews may instead be just a ploy to get your business or via someone who has too much time on their hands and wants to troll.

One thing to keep in mind is all businesses will have some type of negative review, it is extremely odd not to find one that doesn't. That review could be simply the business not providing what the customer was looking for, and as a result an honest negative review was given. Situations like that are common and should be used as a guideline when researching a company. Before you even look at the reviews for a business, you should find out if this business is going to provide you what your are looking for. If it isn't going to, move on. It will save you time, as well as the business. They don't have to worry about someone saying something negative about them.

The more research you do, the better it will be for you in the long run. The internet is a tool for you to not only save time, but to explore a variety of different choices and selections you have available to you.